Letter from the Editor

Change, Change, and Change
Letter from the Editor

Change, Change, and Change

I always thought of myself as someone who was not fond of change. However, I do love changing up my daily routine throughout the week and tackling new challenges, which sounds the opposite of someone who isn’t fond of change. Truth is, I get bored easily, and if I am bored, I lose interest. Those are changes I can control. There are things that I don’t like to see change at all because it throws me off, such as my surroundings, especially my home. My husband loves to update style and décor pretty often, so I have a space in our house that doesn’t change—my office. If I make small changes in there, it’s okay. Large ones? No way. I am comfortable and productive there. If it changed dramatically, I wouldn’t be. The constant cycle of change in nature reminds me that change is not only inev...
A Summer Full
Letter from the Editor

A Summer Full

In Louisiana, where the heat and humidity practically hug you (some people say smother you) as you step outside, it’s easy to forget that summer is more than just a season, it’s a way of life. It’s the time of year when we embrace the sweltering heat and find ways to enjoy every hot, humid day. Whether it’s a backyard BBQ, a day at the river, a crawfish boil, or a simple photoshoot, we know how to make the most of summer in Louisiana. People often envision summer as a slow-it-down and take-it-easy kind of season. It evokes images of lazing around in a hammock with a good book on a warm, sunny day. Often, summer is the opposite. It is a busy, socially active time with weekends filled to the brim with responsibilities and commitments. I always want to keep in mind that while busy, it is ...
Spring Cleaning My Mind
Letter from the Editor

Spring Cleaning My Mind

It’s the time of year that fills us with hope and a desire to start fresh. We think of clean air, fresh flowers, and a sense of rejuvenation, and we all know the drill—it’s spring cleaning time. Dusting, decluttering, and organizing our homes. But have you ever stopped to think about the deeper meaning behind this annual ritual? Sure, a clean and organized living space can bring a sense of calm and productivity, but what if we applied the concept of spring cleaning to our lives as a whole? I recently heard someone say, “Spring cleaning is not just about getting rid of the old, but making room for the new.” This idea resonated with me and got me thinking. How often do I hold onto things in my life that no longer serve me? How many old habits, grudges, and negative thoughts do I reall...
The Beauty of Winter
Letter from the Editor

The Beauty of Winter

As the holiday season begins, let us take a moment to pause and see the beauty of a decorative Louisiana winter. Nothing captures the essence of the season quite like Louisiana. From the twinkling lights of the cityscape to the festive decorations adorning doorsteps, the holiday season in Louisiana is truly a sight to behold. In Louisiana, Thanksgiving is the first of many celebrations that mark the holiday season, and what a wonderful day it is! The warmth of family, the smell of roast turkey, and the laughter of children create a beautiful atmosphere to enjoy the day. As we look forward to Christmas, the holiday season continues to bring cheer and joy. I can’t help but look forward to our own family tradition of tree decorating day. We gather around the tree with the family music ...
Time to Renew
Letter from the Editor

Time to Renew

As the leaves change color and the air turns crisp, fall will remind me that it’s time to slow down, rest, and prepare for the next season. I have always found the transition from summer to fall to be an exceptionally meaningful time of year. The leaves will transform into shades of red, orange, and yellow. High heat of the southern sun will slowly fade away and a cooler breeze will sweep in. And everywhere I look, I’ll see reminders to slow down and appreciate this season of my life. The changes this season brings naturally invite reflection. I’m prompted to shed the bad habits that have been holding me back and reassess my goals. I’ll take some time each day to journal and consider the direction I am going in life. I’ll find myself more creative. I’ll also commit to making time fo...
Bring on the Summer
Letter from the Editor

Bring on the Summer

As we head into the summer months, I find my heart filled with anticipation. Louisiana’s warm months can be brutal, but the joy of family time and outdoor gatherings makes the heat bearable. The landscape of Louisiana during the summer months is nearly overwhelming. From the majestic cypress trees to the vibrant fields of wildflowers, I always find myself drawn in by the beauty of my home state. I love to watch the sun rise and set, the warm hues painting the sky in a multitude of colors. Nature is truly God’s work of art. While we may be unable to enjoy all the activities that we are used to due to the expected higher than average heat this year, I still look forward to the simple pleasures of the summertime. I’m looking forward to spending time outdoors away from the hustle and bu...
Rebirth is Near
Letter from the Editor

Rebirth is Near

Here in Louisiana, spring is a season of vibrant colors, of chirping birds and happy, scampering squirrels. It is a time of glorious blooms and the sweet scent of flowers in the air. As the temperatures gradually rise, the trees fill out with lush, green leaves and the air is suddenly filled with the songs of birds. A rebirthing. I think that is why so many people love spring the most. It reminds us that all things can be made new. Bad seasons can leave and be replaced with fresh seasons of growth and warmth. Even though our winters are fairly mild, we still get a few cold snaps here and there. Mostly our cold temperatures are mild enough that most of the time, we can still wear shorts and t-shirts. Still, after several weeks of chilly weather in January and February, spring’s livel...
What Comes After a Fall?
Letter from the Editor

What Comes After a Fall?

Fall can be a negative word. In a fall, we are usually defeated. We fall when our efforts fail. We fall off the wagon. We fall into depression. We fall out of Grace. When stocks fall, it’s damaging. When something befalls us, it’s usually detrimental. When I typed the word “fall” in Microsoft Word, these are the replacement words: Reduction, Decrease, Drop, Tumble, Descent, Plummet, Plunge, and Collapse. When we descend into chaos, it’s negative. Plunge into darkness, sad. Collapse, debilitating. We all have had falls in our lives like many of the ways I mention, if not all of them. However, what comes after a fall? A rise. A familiar phrase that we’ve all heard, and likely used to encourage someone who was at their lowest, is, “There is nowhere to go b...
The Bigger Picture
Letter from the Editor

The Bigger Picture

I am putting out this editor’s letter as all of our lives are starting to kick back into full speed. Getting back to the day-to-day bustle is going to be exciting as well as overwhelming for many. The majority of our models, contributors, photographers, graphic designers, and editors are facing major life-altering events such as death in the family, moving, starting new jobs, having babies, etc. I am personally going into a second wrist surgery and lengthy recovery, and because of this, we have collectively decided to take a fall-winter hiatus. While we will be putting out several articles online, the magazine itself will not be printed. When I first suggested a hiatus, the collective reaction was disbelief, then relief. One of the models asked, “Will that hurt the magazine?” and I ...
Don’t Lose Sight
Letter from the Editor

Don’t Lose Sight

You’ll notice that this edition of Modern Grace is titled the Spring Summer special issue, which wasn’t initially the intention. After the spring photoshoot, several of us toiled over whether to put out a spring edition at all, since we were still unsure about when the governor was going to lift the mask mandate. Everywhere we looked, sources gave different answers, from the end of April to the beginning of June. So, we all decided to wait until the middle of April to decide. Then on April 11, my husband went into emergency surgery, turning my world upside down. Sitting in that empty waiting room at one o’clock in the morning, scared, and alone, praying, I realized, again, just how fleeting life can be. It is a lesson we all learn over and over in life. We set so many standards, and...
Starting from the Inside
Letter from the Editor

Starting from the Inside

In this issue, we are focusing on aspects of life that are timeless: classic black clothing, laughter, music, and reaching a healthier lifestyle. However, most importantly, we are focusing on the timeless principle of loving one another. Not everything in the world is black and white. Not every decision we make is as easy as a yes or a no. Sometimes, there is an area between the two definitive answers in which we find our own truth, our resolution. Sometimes, the varying shades of grey in decision making isn’t defined to each person in the same way. Every single person in this country stands for something they are passionate about. Along with suicide prevention, which is important to us, veteran care as well as general care for families in poverty-stricken countries are at the top o...
The Gift of Time
Letter from the Editor

The Gift of Time

Confinement, home delivery, six feet, social distancing, masks, washing hands, and ultimately pulling my hair out…that’s how this year started. Social distancing was, by far, the hardest part for me.  I am a hugger. I love people and I love to show it. I don’t often hug random strangers, but it definitely has happened from time to time. I try to watch for social cues, because so many people do not like to be touched, but needless to say, that skill has gone undeveloped this year because there was little socialization to take cues from. After record high reports of depression started to sweep the world within the first few months, I thought often that maybe it had to do with the fact that people were no longer holding hands or hugging one another. Maybe it was directly relate...
You Can Be YOU
Letter from the Editor

You Can Be YOU

In Louisiana, worldwide fashion trends don’t often fit our lifestyle or climate. For many places, hard winters typically predicate clothing norms such as long sleeves, coats, thicker fabrics, etc. However, in Louisiana, we are blessed with warmer climates, which means we often need to modify global winter trends. I typically wear black—black suits, pants, skirts because they fit any season, business or casual engagement. They can also be quickly enhanced to line-up with trends by simply adding colorful shirts, scarves, flats, heels, or jewelry. For this formalwear guide, I decided to use a photo of me wearing a royal blue shirt, so that I follow the current fashions without losing my signature look. Bottom line is you can BE YOU without sacrificing individual style. As seen in Mo...
Let the Blocks Fall
Letter from the Editor

Let the Blocks Fall

We hear the words “building blocks” throughout our lives. One of the first things we learn as a toddler is how to stack blocks. We learn that it takes time and effort, and also a bit of frustration, to get it right. We learned to build on solid surfaces so that our structure had a chance of survival. Every now and then, we would have to knock down the whole pile and start from scratch, because it just didn’t have a sound foundation. Other times, we simply realized it wasn’t going to stand, so we’d give up and walk away. We learned that the first and most important rule was to build on a solid, steady base. In that playtime, we gleaned some of the most valuable lessons we’ll ever learn; lessons we’ll use again and again throughout our lives. Relationships, careers, homes, even our own c...
Make the Most
Letter from the Editor

Make the Most

Whenever summer comes to mind, I picture laughing with friends and family as we enjoy BBQs, weekend trips, and leisurely fun. I don’t think of the sticky heat, annoying bugs, or the mess left over after everyone goes home. Most people like me, try to remember the good, leaving the rest behind. Why would we want to remember heat, bugs, and garbage? Well, most of us don’t. However, I do want to remember why we tolerate those things… to spend time with loved ones, build relationships, and enjoy life. Unfortunately, life is not always made up of laughter and good stuff. It is a culmination of good and bad, with many seasons of change. In scrolling through social media, often you’ll see one friend who is happy because they got their dream job, while another is suffering because they just lo...
We Need Us All
Letter from the Editor

We Need Us All

Spring is a time of encouragement. It’s a time of renewing. Spring carries the principals that in encouraging growth and in everything working together, we can find beauty and fulfill our calling. Growth in the springtime and throughout the summer is a result of several important factors: protection, food, water, light, and development. Keep in mind while you are enjoying the beautiful wildflowers or watching the trees come back to life that all through the fall and winter the soil was preparing itself for this. Autumn is a favorite season of many, but after the gloriously colored leaves are replaced by heaps of crunchy brown under barren trees, it can feel desolate. Yet those leaves provide protection to plants and animals. Winter gets a bad rap, but it is winter that produces decompo...
Doing it Our Way
Letter from the Editor

Doing it Our Way

When I posted my end of the year blog, I realized much of what I said really reflected the magazine overall, so I decided to include parts of it in my editor’s letter. Not long after my first book release in June 2017, I started planning a special surprise for my husband. I knew we’d have a lot going on in 2018, however, I also knew we couldn’t wait any longer. This was the year. So I started planning. When I first married my husband in 1991, we had a beautiful, traditional church wedding. Etiquette would only allow me to wear an off-white dress, because I wasn’t a virgin and on top of that I was pregnant...in The South. It didn’t really didn’t bother me until I told Larry. He thought that if etiquette makes people feel bad about themselves, or dirty, then it should be tossed out the w...
One of the Most Important Things
Letter from the Editor

One of the Most Important Things

In this, the first issue of Modern Grace Magazine, the contributors pulled together some of the best of Louisiana. One comment visitors always seem to have or repeat about our amazing state is that the people here are positive and welcoming. Another is that we know how to enjoy family, food and fun. Louisianians bring a unique and relaxed atmosphere with them to every gathering; whether a crawfish boil or a neighborhood barbeque. When we get together for the holidays it is an event where strangers are made to feel like family. I believe positivity is one of the most important things we can give each other, which is why it is my pleasure to be able to share this lifestyle with you. Also, a special thank you to my husband who tolerates me while I sneak around with my camera and document som...