Relating to Each Other

We’ve all had something really bad happen to us. We’ve all been in situations where the world is spinning out of control. In the moments following, we often feel alone, worried, or afraid of what the future holds. Many of us are looking around at the constant changes taking place and we feel displaced. While some of the changes are definitely long overdue, other changes may be tragic, uncertain and frightening.

We wonder how so much hate amongst God’s children is festering into this boiling pot of emotions. Each of us is faced with our own set of circumstances and beliefs, in a world full of other people’s circumstances and beliefs. Especially in this grand era of social media, we often forget that the person on the other end of the keypad is human. I do believe social media is a wonderful outlet for reaching more people than we ever imagined, I also believe in some ways it has desensitized us and taken away the empathy we should have for one another.

If each one of us were the same, if we all had the same beliefs, same circumstances, how could there be any complete happiness for any of us? Also, how would we be someone else’s shoulder to cry on when they need it? Sometimes, it takes us going through a difficult season of life, where everything isn’t always even and life isn’t happy, to understand what it’s like for others when they struggle, to honestly offer a hand.

God made us all in His image. So when you look at the homeless man on the corner, the disgruntled cashier, or distracted lady crying as she drives, find a way to intercede for that person in their time of need, even offering a friendly word, handshake, or hug. That may be all someone needs to turn their day around.

I know it’s been all I’ve needed to turn many of my days around.

Hurt, pain, and disappointment are real and, as God’s children, it is our duty to be that beacon of hope to others when we can. When we need it, He’ll supply our beacon of hope as well.

Sports teams, political beliefs, relationships, and employment are all things that change over seasons. When you leave that job you worked at for thirty years, no one will remember your name five years in the future. But the relationships, with God and others, are what will remain timeless. Love remains timeless.

That cashier will remember the customer who looked them in the eye and said, “I’m so sorry you are having a bad day.” The homeless man’s faith in people could be restored when the passerby offers food. The lady crying as she drives down the road will remember you looked at her with compassion and mouthed, “I am so sorry,” not even knowing what her tears were for.

The relationships we build, even in passing, should be at the forefront of our minds daily, because soon enough, we’ll need others who have it in the forefront of their minds.

With this season of holidays, you can feel the happiness in the air. You can also feel the despair. For some, this is a season of sadness and tears. Be kind, be genuine, and let others see your compassion. I know the relationships you build in love and compassion will forever be timeless.

And that love will always come back to you.

As seen in Modern Grace Magazine