Uniquely and Wonderfully Made

When I think of fall, I think of pumpkins, scarecrows, bales of hay and spiced lattes! This time of the year, I always look forward to picking out pumpkins for my porch! We are in a new home, and I cannot wait to decorate this fall! If you are anything like me, I always find myself digging at the bottom of each box of pumpkins, looking for the perfect one! All the while knowing that finding the perfect pumpkin can be a challenge because they come in all kinds of different shapes, sizes, and colors! When you stop to think about it, there really isn’t any such thing as a “perfect pumpkin,” because no two pumpkins are alike! The difference in each pumpkin is what makes it unique and beautiful! Isn’t that how God made us and sees us? God made each of us unique and perfect at the same time!

So, what makes each of us uniquely perfect? Sure, our physical characteristics make each of us look unique, but what about from the inside out? We all possess something inside of us that God can use to do great things. God has equipped each of us with different gifts and talents. Some of us may have the gift of leadership or knowledge, while others may have the gift of helping or encouraging others. While my gifts and talents may look different from yours, we are called to use our talents in the same way: to serve others. For many years, I wondered what my gifts were. I spent time reading books, hoping I would read something that would show me what mine were. Thankfully, God showed me through His Word that all I had to do was ask and He would reveal them to me! Isn’t that an awesome thing to know that if we would like wisdom, we may just ask and God will give us the wisdom to discern what our gifts are? Some of you may have no doubt what yours are, but you worry you are not good enough to carry out what God is asking you to do. But just as God called Moses at 80 years old to do the seemingly impossible task of leading the Israelites into the promised land, God will never call you to do something He hasn’t already equipped you to do!

And just like those pumpkins, God has even more perfectly and uniquely made you! When you truly understand your uniqueness, then you will see God move in you and through you. You are called, you are chosen, you are capable, and you are equipped to do all God is calling you to do. Be confident in who you are and allow God to use you! God made no mistake when He made you! He made you unique, and He made you perfect for carrying out His will in your life!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalms 139:14

As seen in Modern Grace Magazine